About SMTX arsenal.

Developing the future of young men through baseball by focusing on the players education, training, coaching and application.

Meet the Team
SMTX Aresenal

team Stats

Team Members
SMTX Arsenal

behind SMTX arsenal

Many years ago select baseball was formed as a method for higher level players to come together and compete outside of organized youth organizations where the competition, coaching and umpires left much to be desired.  Over the course of time large organizations expanded into more of a business and less of an avenue for education and player development. We're setting out to change that. Our team strives to truly develop young men, on and off the field.

Meet the team
SMTX Arsenal

how we get our players

Players are identified in several ways. Referrals from other players, coaches and umpires; players that our young men have played against in games or tournaments and represent our core values; and players that have solid and consistent performance that are identified on their social channels. In addition to this there is an extensive network of parents and players that we have cultivated over the years and we rely on.

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SMTX ArsenalSMTX Arseanl

hcba "The dungeon"

SMTX Arsenal Batting Cages

the training facility

AAL Source, our primary sponsor and donor, has a dedicated facility with batting cages, work out area and study room for our players. It is accessible 24hrs a day via electronic locks utilizing key fobs allowing players and teams to access on their schedule.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions that can help point you in the right direction. Feel free to get in touch if your answer is not below.

Are you open for new sponsors?

Yes, we are always interested in sponsors who align with our dedication to develop leaders on and off the field.

Where do you field practice?

We typically have our fields secured by the end of spring season. Our team is notified of that location along with practice times and requirements.

What are the hours for the training facility?

The cages are accessible 24 hours a day via a Key Fob access.

What equipment is in the batting cages?

Cages are equipped with Hit Trax, Hack Attack pitching machine, tees, balls, weights, treadmill, and strength bands.

Are you looking for new players?

We always have our eyes open for new players, especially pitchers.

Who are the coaches?

John Anderson is the Organizations Manager and Cameron Sorgie is Coach and director of recruiting. Actively looking for additional coaches and tutors to assist in continued educational and study programs for the Highschool program.

Are cages available to rent on a non-team basis?

Cages and training facility are available to outside teams, players and trainers based on availability.

Our Awards


Coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

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